Why Electrostatic Discharge Protection Is Vital?

In the current going era, the electrostatic discharge protection has become vital in today´s consumer electronic devices in order to make sure that the system’s robustness in harsh transient environments should be maintained. The Electrostatic Discharge that is commonly known the ESD has become the Hidden Enemy for the tools, equipment, machines and other things based on electronics in particular. Some of the pitfalls related to the ESD damage are malfunctioning of the electronic components and devices, shortening the lives of your valuable equipment and a big disaster particularly in the presence of explosive items. Therefore, having the working environment containing the electrostatic discharge protection is the demand of the day.

Static electricity breaks down circuit boards

Importance of Electrostatic Discharge Protection

After you scuff your socks across the living room carpet and then you handshake with your friend then he will receive an unsuspecting shock just because of the creation of ESD. The static electricity will be created after scuffing the socks on the carpet causing a spark that will be jumped from the finger to the victim. It is a harmless example of the creation of ESD, but on the other hand, the story will be changed completely while talking about the network hardware and every field related to electronics.

In the case of the network hardware devices and electronic based items, the electrostatic discharge protection is able to permanently damage the costly equipment with the creation of 100 volts only. The static discharge can be far more than 100 volts because the act of walking across a carpet is capable of generating the static electricity between 1,500 and 35,000 volts. The creation of electrostatic discharge is never detected in most of the situations as the people can’t detect it if the volts generated through ESD are less than 3,000 volts.

That’s why the working of ESD is hidden but dangerous for the electronic based equipment and tools. It is a true fact that up to 60% of the hardware failures occur just because of the creation of electrostatic discharge. As an outcome, having the electrostatic discharge protection in your working environment will enhance the working lives of your valuable devices and eliminate the chances of explosions made by ESD.

ESD workbench

How to Obtain a Full-fledged Electrostatic Discharge Protection?

The major techniques of having the electrostatic discharge protection are known as the ESD mats and ESD furniture. Obtaining the ESD furniture is the best option as they are centrally secured from ESD danger while the mats are not long-lasting, having one connecting wire to make the discharge to a ground that can be damaged easily and don’t have the capacity of making your whole environment static free.

In order to obtain comprehensive electrostatic discharge protection in your working environment, the use of the ESD furniture is necessary for which the services of Detall ESD Furniture are remarkable. A huge collection of Detall products such as the ESD workbench, ESD cabinets, ESD carts and lots of more will be enough for covering your every demand.

Electrostatic protection area

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